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Law No. 111/1980
قانون رسم الدمغة ولائحته التنفيذية
قانون رقم 1980/111

Stamp Duty Law with Executive Regulations

  • Amended by:

    • Law No. 115/1980
    • Law No. 157/1981
    • Law No. 95/1986
    • Law No. 104/1987
    • Law No. 224/1989
    • Law No. 2/1993
    • Law No. 11/1995
    • Law No. 11/1996
    • Law No. 92/1996
    • Law No. 2/1998
    • Law No. 169/1998
    • Law No. 10/2000
    • Law No. 156/2004
    • Law No. 143/2006
    • Law No. 115/2008
    • Law No. 9/2013

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